UCAP Beta Program


We’re Looking For 10 People To Join Our

Ultimate College Admissions Beta Program,

Where You’ll Work Directly With Us To Get Your Child Admitted Into The College of Their Dreams

We are in the process of re-launching our signature training system, The Ultimate College Admissions Program and are looking for 10 beta users to give us feedback and help us improve the program.

Our new program will be a hybrid, consisting of live group coaching calls, personal support via email and a full suite of on-demand resources.

For you, the beta program is the opportunity to get personalized, proven and professional help from us in getting your child admitted into the college of their choice. Where all of your questions are personally answered by us and we lay out the college admissions road maps for you to follow, step by step.

And for us, the feedback we get from beta participants will provide invaluable insight on how we can enhance the program to have the greatest impact for both parents and students.

In other words, if you help us out a little, we’ll help you out a lot.

Who Are We?

We are Drs. Jeff and Brian Haig. And over the past 20 years, we have helped thousands of students not only get into the college of their choice (including all Ivy League schools, top Universities, dream schools and reach schools), but we’ve helped them obtain millions in free scholarship money as well.

Here’s a closer look at our experience and accomplishments:

Dr. Jeff Haig

Dr. Jeffrey Haig completed his BA from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). As an application reader for the UCLA Scholarship Admissions Committee for 15+ years, he oversaw the Orange County regional area. He is a national education expert and has been featured in many of America’s top newspapers, magazines, and television news stations including CBS and KCAL News, New York Times , Wall Street Journal , Boston Herald , McGraw Hill , Huffington Post , and many others.

Dr. Haig is also a college professor and teaches business and student success courses on topics which include learning strategies, career development, communication, writing, resume development, marketing, and interviewing.

He received his college counseling education from the Harvard Institute on College Admissions at Harvard University, the UCLA College Counseling program, and the Summer Institute from the Independent Educational Consultants Association.

Dr. Brian Haig graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience, graduating at the top of his class. He then chose to complete his doctorate studies at the world-renowned UCLA.

Dr.Haig co-authored the 20-time international award-winning book, “Unlock Your Educational Potential”, which won some of the most prestigious book awards in the country including Disney’s iParenting Media Award, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, the National Parenting Center of Approval Award, Family Review, USA Book News and many others.

A Certified High Performance Coach, he has developed courses, programs, and workshops that have helped thousands of students get into the college of their choice, and succeed to their fullest potential.

Dr. Brian Haig

How You Will Benefit As a Beta Program Member

The college admissions process has become more competitive and more confusing than it has ever been.

For instance, Harvard University had an acceptance rate of just 3.43% for the Class of 2025, a significant drop from the already low rates of previous years. Similarly, Stanford University’s acceptance rate fell to around 4% in recent years.

The number of applications submitted by students has also surged. The Common Application, a platform used by many colleges for admissions, reported that the number of applications it processed increased by nearly 10% in 2020-2021 compared to the previous year.

In addition, colleges are looking beyond standardized test scores and GPAs to evaluate applicants. This includes extracurricular activities, leadership experiences, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. While this approach allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of candidates, it also makes the application process more demanding and less predictable for students.

And that’s where we come in. In our Ultimate College Admissions Beta program, we will personally help guide you though the increasingly complex college admissions maze, so your child has the highest potential to get admitted into the college of their dreams.

What You’ll Receive As a Participant In Our Beta Program

The Ultimate College Admissions Beta Program will be six weeks long. During this time, you will personally interact and by taught by us (and “us” means us, not assistants).

During the six week beta program you will receive:

✅  Six, live group coaching calls over Zoom. These weekly calls will be approximately 90 minutes long. During the first hour, we will teach a specific college admissions topic. And then the last 30 minutes will be open for live Q&A.

✅  Unlimited, personal email support for six weeks. This is where you can ask us specific questions or address unique challenges you may be facing. This direct email support will be available Monday thru Friday from 9am to 5pm PST. We will answer all emails within 24 hours.

✅  12 months full access to our on-demand college admissions resource library. This is where you can learn at your own pace and deep dive into over 3.5 hours of step by step college admissions strategies, guides and know-how.

✅  12 months full access to the recordings of the group coaching calls. Can’t make one of the six live group coaching calls? No worries, as you’ll be able to access the recordings on-demand, for a full year.

Here Are The Dates and Times

The first live group coaching session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2023. That will give everyone time to recover from the Thanksgiving holiday before we begin.

We will have the remaining live group coaching calls every week thereafter (although we’ll take a break over the Christmas holiday).

That means although it’s a six week program, because of the holidays, it will run from the end of November 2023 into early January 2024.

And remember, if you can’t attend a group coaching call live, you will be able to access the recordings for 12 months. In addition, you will have unlimited email access to us during the six week beta program.


Here Is How To Become a Beta Program Member

The fee to join our Ultimate College Admissions Beta Program is just $497

This is a one-time fee that will give you access to the six, live group coaching calls over Zoom, unlimited, personal email access for six weeks, 12 months access to our college admissions resource library and 12 months access to the recordings of the group coaching calls.

When you consider that the average cost of a college admissions consultant is $6,700 and that we have a six month waiting list for our consulting services, you can appreciate what a tremendous value this is.

The reason why we’re offering access to our beta program at such a reduced fee is simple. We want your honest, real-world feedback on how we can make the program better for both parents and students. And that feedback is so important to us, that we want to make the beta program affordable for anyone who is interested.

But please remember we are only accepting 10 beta members. It’s first come, first served and because we’re starting so soon, we cannot hold any seats.

So to guarantee your spot in our Ultimate College Admissions Beta Program, click or tap the button below to enroll now.


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