Developing a Back to School Winning Game Plan!

Developing a Back to School Winning Game Plan!

We hope you are having a great summer. As the summer is starting to wind down, it’s important to start thinking about the next school year. Each year is about building upon the previous year to develop a strategic game plan that will culminate into getting into the...
College and Financial Planning Strategies for 2016!

College and Financial Planning Strategies for 2016!

We hope your New Year is off to a great start. Many of the seniors just finished their college applications and some of them are starting to hear back from colleges already. Numerous students are getting fantastic acceptances with tens of thousands of dollars in free...
The Summer Game Plan!

The Summer Game Plan!

The Summer Game Plan The summer is almost here and for students this is a great time to relax and have fun. It’s also a great time to further develop and strengthen your college admissions profile. Remember, being the best college applicant you can be is all about...