Why Working with a College Planning Consultant is so Important! 

We are so incredibly passionate about helping students with their educational goals, helping them reach their full potential, and earn admission to their dream universities. In fact, you might even say we are addicted to positively and significantly helping students achieve their educational goals.

And it is no wonder that year after year, students at our office are being accepted to their dream colleges, including some of the best universities on the planet, specialty colleges, tech colleges, and everything in between.

And we wanted to share with you why working with a college planning expert is a game-changer, and how specifically we help students achieve their goals of earning acceptances to their desired colleges.

Below are 10 reasons why working with us has significantly and positively changed thousands of students’ lives:

1) Students are given personalized, individualized attention and a customized game plan and strategy specific to their unique and authentic needs.

2) We teach students specifically what really matters, what’s important for college admissions success so they don’t “spin their wheels” on low-value activities that do not play a role in college admission decisions.

3) Students understand the “formula” for what college admission officers are looking for in a successful applicant, from all the quantitative factors to qualitative factors, in chronological order of importance from most important to least important.

4) We provide an individualized and personalized roadmap, a blueprint, to help students in every step of the college admissions process, including academic course planning, extracurricular enrichment opportunities, summer game plan, college discovery, letters of recommendation, internships, research opportunities, and most importantly craft compelling, impactful essays that tell their story.

5) Students are given our 20-time international award-winning educational book, Unlock Your Educational Potential, an empowering student success book that helps students develop the “success principles and traits” that help students unlock their full potential, leveraging their talents and abilities to make a meaningful impact in the world.

6) Students are given access to our digital resource program, Ultimate College Admissions Program, a revolutionary and time-tested proven program that is filled with our best strategies, principles, and techniques, along with a library of downloadable PDF guides, checklists, and know-hows to help students with their educational goals.

7) Students are also given a comprehensive Student Resource Binder with timelines, interactive worksheets, charts, and Infographics to help them reach their educational goals that is a complement to one-on-one coaching with one of our college planning experts.

8) We provide accountability, a structured program, empowering and transformational mentorship to reduce stress, overwhelm, and confusion about the college planning and admissions process, every step of the way.

9) We help families understand and maximize scholarship award money to pay for college. We have saved students/families hundreds of thousands of dollars each year by helping them get money to help pay for the exorbitant cost of college through partial, half/full-ride merit, chancellor, and president’s scholarships, as well as for profit/non-profit companies, for example.

10) We have been in the college planning, admissions, and student success field for over 25+ years, with a combined experience of over 50 years. Our team has credentials from world-renowned universities including Harvard, Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkeley, Dartmouth and USC.

We have worked in the public, private, and domestic/international sectors in areas including college planning, admissions, test prep, learning strategies, and career planning. We also have worked with many different types of students, including those with developmental and special needs (ADD, anxiety, stress, and depression, for example).

The bottom line is working with our team of college planning experts helps students to become more empowered, informed, and ultimately, successful with their college planning and admissions goals.

To learn more about our college planning and admission services, reach out to us by clicking here to learn more about how we can help you with your educational needs.

We can’t wait to help you out!

Click here to reach us.

To Your Success,

Drs. Jeff and Brian Haig