Why Working With a College Planning Expert is So Important!

College admissions strategiesCollege admissions is getting more competitive than ever. The admission statistics to earn acceptance into universities keeps getting lower each year, with earning acceptance to many of the great universities now into the single digit percentages. A well thought-out game plan and strategy is paramount.

But counselors at high schools are overworked, understaffed, and resources are spread thin. The average student-to-counselor ratio is: 464 to 1. And for California schools, the average student-to-counselor ratio is even worse at: 622 to 1.

While less for private schools, counselors simply do not have the time, resources, and energy to devote personalized and customized attention to each student.

What does this mean for you:

  • There are simply not enough counselors to help students develop a comprehensive game plan and strategy.
  • Counselors can’t give personalized attention to each student’s educational journey.
  • A customized, individualized and strategic game plan is not developed.

Therefore, this leads to:

  • Decreased chance to get into the college of your choice.
  • Decreased chance to maximize financial aid to pay for college.

As 2024 kicks into another exciting year for students pursuing their educational journeys, we are humbled that we get to serve so many wonderful, hardworking, and ambitious students and develop them to the best of their abilities, helping them earn acceptances to their dream colleges–and helping them to earn lots of merit-based scholarships (money) to help pay for the exorbitant cost of college!

So, what does working with us look like?

Drs. Jeff Haig and Brian HaigWe have been helping students for about 25 years develop a customized, personalized, and individualized game plan to maximize student’s success in their educational journeys. Students’ lives and educational future is designed and well thought-out, and they develop in an authentic, exciting ways. We connect the dots moving forward to what college majors and long-term career paths may best suit each student.

Through passionate guidance, we help students with everything from academic course planning to extracurricular activities, summer enrichment opportunities, intensive writing workshops, and through an extensive, and methodical college discovery process to identify great colleges for them to apply to….and so much more!

As a result of our exciting work with students, they become more motivated to perform well in school, choose activities and study subject matter that uplifts their souls and become empowered to grow to their highest potentials. Our structured and guided approach allows students to develop in meaningful, unique, impactful, and significant ways!

The end result is students are more empowered, and they have a dynamic, customized and personalized game plan to maximize their success. They also have college planning and admission experts helping to guide the process, as a sound board, and to answer all of the nitty gritty college planning and admission questions.

We are extremely passionate about what we do and are excited to be making a positive and significant difference in so many student’s lives, and helping them earn acceptances to their dream colleges year after year.

Finishing up with our seniors, we have limited spots available that fill-up every year for our next group of students.

For more information about our one-on-one comprehensive college planning and admissions program, please click here.

Group coaching programAnd since we can’t work with every student, we will be opening a college planning intensive group coaching program very soon! Be on the look-out for all the exciting benefits of a group coaching program where students will learn in a structured, and comprehensive way, learn from many different case studies, and are taught important core college planning and admission strategies within an exciting group coaching format!

More information to come very soon!

To Your Success,

Drs. Jeff and Brian Haig