Drs jeff & Brian Haig®

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Dr. Jeffrey Haig

  • Doctor of Education, M.B.A., USC (on scholarship); Bachelor of Arts, UCLA
  • For 15+ years, has served on and directed the UCLA Scholarship Admissions Committee
  • Received College Counseling Education from Harvard Institute on College Admissions, Harvard University and UCLA College Counseling program
  • 20-time international award-winning author of Unlock Your Educational Potential: What Every Student Needs to Know to Succeed

Dr. Brian Haig

  • Doctorate, UCLA, Bachelor of Science, UC Berkeley (on scholarship)
  • For 12+ years, has served on the UCLA Scholarship Admissions Committee
  • Received College Counseling Education from UCLA College Counseling program
  • 20-time international award-winning author of Unlock Your Educational Potential: What Every Student Needs to Know to Succeed

Pssstt… I heard you like list building with a side of cash…

Add a super simple product to your business for a quick cash injection

…One you can sell over and over again…

… While getting the MOST out of the incredible email list you’re building.

How to Create and Promote a Workshop Course in 10 Days

In 10 short days, you could put together a workshop course that will boost your email list and bring in easy revenue.

In this step-by-step training, I’ll teach you how to:

Choose your profitable & irresistible workshop topic

Create your transformational training content and workshop structure for guaranteed results that will blow your attendees away

Market your workshop course as a total no-brainer for your audience
Nail the logistics of launching your workshop course, even if you’re a far cry from being “tech-savvy”
Put together a workshop course in 10 days that over-delivers and converts attendees into lifelong fans

“I had no list. But I still ended up smashing my goal of 5 workshop attendees—by booking 14!”

I trusted Amy to deliver very high value, and she did. Thanks to her, the success of my first workshop not only gave me hope that I can lead my family to financial success and the life we desire, but also the motivation that I can make an impact in the sustainability movement.

Bristol Coon


Here’s A Sneak Peek Inside This Training

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​Refund Policy: Due to the nature of this digital training, How To Create a Workshop in 10 Days or Less is not returnable, under any circumstances. All sales are final and all payments are non-refundable.

© 2023 | Drs Jeff & Brian Haig | All Rights Reserved