Your Back-to-School Game Plan — Take Action!

It’s back-to-school time and your successful game plan is embedded in the timeless wisdom of TAKING ACTION! Because it is only through action that you will grow to your fullest potential—as a student, and someone who has the capability to accomplish so many wonderful, cool, and great things in life!

Taking daily and consistent action is also how you will be more successful in your college planning and admission goals!

College admission officers are looking for those students who are action takers, who have strong initiative, and who are getting meaningful results. They want students who have unwavering commitment and determination, and a proactive mindset to better their lives, while contributing to their school, community, and world.

And in our 25 years of helping students get into their dream colleges, there are many characteristics that are the defining qualities that propel students to greatness, and one clear frontrunner is a student’s ability to TAKE ACTION.

Simply, there are students who wait, and wait, and wait for the right time, or right circumstance, to do something, if they ever get things done at all. And then there are students who have strong initiative, a forward-thinking mindset, and an action-oriented ability to get things DONE.

These students have a “go get ‘em” mindset, and will do whatever is necessary to get the results they are after. This involves having a belief mindset, and moving forward when sometimes not having all the answers, or a clear path. Grit, determination, and drive are key determinants of the successful student, and a “I’ll “figure it out along the way if I have to” attitude.

With school now getting under way as this next academic school year starts, let’s discuss different ways for you to take specific action and grow in your educational journey, both inside and outside of the classroom.


Below is a list of ways to TAKE ACTION to set yourself up for success both in your growth trajectory, and with your college planning and admission goals!

1) Excel Academically:

  • Maintain Strong Grades: Focus on achieving high grades in challenging courses. Aim for a competitive GPA by excelling in advanced placement (AP), honors, or dual-enrollment courses. Get a tutor, go to teacher’s office hours, and/or find a study buddy to help you increase your proficiency of course material, or to help learn difficult subject matter.
  • Prepare for Standardized Tests: Start early with test prep for the SAT or ACT, and AP exams. Consider taking practice tests and using test prep resources to improve your scores

2) Pursue Extracurricular Activities:

  • Get Involved: Join extracurricular activities that interest you, and cultivate those areas that align with your future college major, or long-term career ambitions. If you don’t know what interests you yet, this is okay. Your goal is to go through a discovery process and learn those things that you find exciting and meaningful.
  • Make sure to take part in service-based clubs/organizations when joining activities.
  • Look for extracurricular activities both at your school and in the community.
  • Know that quality, depth of involvement matter more than quantity.

3) Seek Out Internships or Jobs:

  • Look for internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work related to your intended field of study to gain experience and demonstrate commitment.

4) Seek Out Leadership Opportunities:

  • Take Initiative: Demonstrate leadership by starting a new club, leading a project, or taking on significant roles in existing activities. This shows colleges your ability to drive change and lead others.

5) Develop Relationships with Teachers:

  • Request Strong Recommendations: Cultivate relationships with teachers who can write compelling and personalized letters of recommendation. Engage actively in their classes and seek out opportunities for mentorship.

6) Research and Visit Colleges:

  • Explore Options: Research a range of colleges to find the best fit for your academic and personal interests. Attend college fairs and information sessions.
  • Visit Campuses: If possible, visit campuses to get a feel for the environment and culture of the schools you’re interested in.

7) Engage in Self-Reflection and Goal Setting:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve academically and personally. Create a plan with actionable steps to reach these goals throughout the year.
  • Reflect on Your Experiences: Regularly assess your progress and adjust your plans as needed. Reflect on what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown through your experiences.

By focusing on these areas, students can continue their growth process, and develop into empowering, impactful, and thoughtful students who are making a meaningful impact in their lives, while helping their schools and communities. Additionally, these students will be much more prepared, and successful, in the college planning and admissions process.

To Your Success,

Drs. Jeff and Brian Haig